Snoopy's Polls

How do you sleep?

Everybody sleeps differently. But what do you wear when you sleep? I always sleep in (Satin) Boxers and t-shirt. Sometimes i wear multiple pairs of Satin Boxers. Nice feeling :)
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  • marik89 likes this
  • Tom
    Tom Dazzle bball shorts, feel so hot
    January 25, 2022
  • lo2go
    lo2go Naked is the ONLY way to sleep totally unhindered - by anything. Feels sensuously good, too.
    March 11, 2022
  • COsagger
    COsagger Freeballing Bball shorts
    May 23, 2022
  • Atlas
    Atlas Most of the time I sleep in bball shorts a t-shirt and underwear but now I sleep in a pajamas ( I take my underwear off at night).
    December 22, 2023